Tag Archives: Writing

Why Cheap Doesn’t Work in Copywriting or Marketing

Kassia Kroszer said, in response to Porter Anderson’s questions about her manifesto on ebooks titled A Reader’s Bill of Rights, that cheap self-publishing doesn’t harm the industry but the individual: For self-published authors, they aren’t really driving the cost of the market down as much as they are driving their own worth down. It’s pretty clear [...]

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Delegation Part 2, or Why You Should Hire Freelancers

If you work in a medium or large company, you probably have someone in-house whose job it is to write for you. Or part of their job. Maybe a whole department. Chances are, that person or department is also overwhelmed. In my experience non-writers in large companies don’t understand writing and think it’s an easy, [...]

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Three Questions to Ask Before You Post

I tell clients to start a blog only if they intend to write things their target reader will really want to read. They manage this for a while. Then they run out of things to say on the topic they’ve chosen, or begin to use the blog like a free press-release distribution site to promote [...]

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Why Are There So Few Posts?


I tell my clients how and when to blog, but I never get around to doing it for myself. My creativity goes into my clients’ projects and my creative nonfiction, not a blog. But this is where I post anything I feel the need to share, so feel free to read. Or not.

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