The Big Picture in Your Writing Life

I’ve been answering questions this week on balance in your writing life, and on achieving your goals with writing. While I definitely don’t have all the answers, one of my go-to exercises for writers and anyone who has ever worked for me is what I call the Resume Recheck exercise (more on that next week).

So I like this post about “balcony space.”

Balcony space happens when we set aside the large and tiny tasks of our day, let go of the emotional dramas that threaten to overwhelm us, and climb up to the metaphoric balcony, where we can get a better view of the whole. From the balcony, we can see the patterns of both our writing and our life. From that view, we can decide what works, what doesn’t work, and how we might make positive changes.

via Balcony Space can Improve Your Writing Life | Write Now Coach! Blog.

This is a different exercise from the Resume Recheck, but it accomplishes almost the same thing: It helps you focus your efforts so you achieve your goals. Read the post and see if it might work for you. Next week, I’ll write about my Resume Recheck exercise and why it’s mandatory for your career.

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